Category: Hanga | Create

2023 E Pro 8 Experience

For our second year, St Patrick’s School have been participating in the E Pro 8 Challenge. Here is what Fe’ao has to say about this journey:

“On Monday the 8th of May we arrived at school and saw 6 big black boxes that was supposed to be a challenge.Epro 8 is a fun engineering and building challenge.When the bell rang for learning my teacher put us into our groups and gave us a booklet each.When everyone was organised in there groups my teacher introduced the year 6 what Epro8 is.


When we did some learning in our booklet we went to our tables and grabbed one of the black boxes and got started building.Our first build was a starting challange.We watched a video with our groups and got started building when we watched every step the video showed us.


My group and I started building.For our first build we built a box and learned how to use measurement. Eventually, we completed it but after our break time sadly we had to knock it down and get into our second building but first we had to learn and do some work in our booklets then got started building in our groups.


The work in our booklets were about measurement and a bit hard to build because we had to make it 700m long and 400m wide and it was very hard for my group because we had to do a lot of measuring.When we were done with our first building which was a tree hut  we were very proud of it because we managed to finish it before we go on to our last build.


Our last build was a dump truck,it was really hard for us because we had to make the tray flip but in the end we managed to get it done and take some photos at the end before we knocked it done and tidy up.After break time we had to tidy it up and finding the missing pieces and making sure all of them are in all the 6 black boxes.My favorite] part of Epro8 is we got to learn about measurement and doing engineering.”

Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations

Today we celebrated Saint Patrick’s Day as a school with our community. Here is what Nicole had to say about her experience:


Last Friday Saint Patrick’s day. I was a bit nervous because we had to start the morning with a Mass and I had to do a prayer of the faithful but I knew I could do it. A few minutes later the first bell rang. The class lined up to go to mass.


Once we arrived at church we sat down and sang some songs. Finally it was time for the Prayers of The Faithful. Once it was my turn I stood on the stool and looked up and waited. A few seconds later it was time for me to read. I was done reading. On the inside I felt really proud of myself.


After Mass we went back to class and had morning tea. I was a bit tired during morning tea. Soon later the bell rang and the school gathered together around the canopy.


As soon as everyone was there Ms Bullot called us into our groups. I was excited to get to the games. The games were called Scatterball, Sack races, T.ball, Hoops and Gumboot Throw.


After we played all 5 games we ate Popsicles which were so good. Later we had a karakia, then after that we ate our own lunches.


During lunch I played with all of my friends. I had a great time.


When we went back to class we did some indoor activities on our Chromebooks. Sadly I was only able to do one activity.


Soon it was time to go home. It was a bit rainy but it was ok. I had such a fun time on Saint Patrick’s Day.


“EPro8 have given us the opportunity to explore Engineering this year. Here’s what Room 7 learned, created and shared during this experience. It was so interesting, fun and challenging. We recommend every school try this learning experience.”


Tamaki Cluster Touch Tournament 2022

What an amazing day for all of our students. Daniel has written a recount about his experience during this Tournament:

“Tamaki Cluster Touch Tournament 2022

On the 2nd of November, Room 7 and Room 8 walked out of our school to represent our school in the Tamaki Cluster Touch Tournament. Most of the Tamaki Cluster Primary Schools were there, like Panmure Bridge and Tamaki Primary were there.

All of our four teams were so excited. Our coach was my friend’s dad. Our first game started against Panmure District School. We lost 4-0 but our coach trained us some more. Our second game was against Stonefields School. 9-0 to Stonefields. We were disappointed that we lost 2 in a row. Our coach said it was all right. Then our next game was against the school that my mum teaches: Glenbrae. They beat us 6-0. We were starting to get more disappointed. Our last game was against Glen Innes. They beat us, 6-0. We had a fifth game for the bottom teams to face. It was Glenbrae. They barely beat us 4-1.

We were not that sad that we scored a try. The Room 8 girls, however, made it but sadly lost in the finals. We were so happy. It was our best performance in 3 years. We went home happy and proud that we represented our school. Next time we will win!” – DanielR

Here are a few videos from various games taken that day: