Yesterday we held our first Ki Orahi Tournament between our Houses. Angel has written her recount of the day’s events:
“Hi I’m Angel and I’m recounting the tournament of Ki O Rahi. Yesterday, the tournament began. There were four teams: totara, rimu, kauri, and rata. Our teacher said that we would be put in our colour houses. We did our karakia then we started to do our R.E, for R.E we had to make posters for our wall design.Then we changed into our P.E gears.
I didn’t get to finish it because I have to go to a program with some other students. The program finished, then we had our morning tea, then my teacher had planned an assembly to check if we were on the right team. It finished so I just played with my friend on the court and in the grass. Morning tea ended and the fun began. Some of the students got sent back to class including me.
In class we started to do a Kahoot quiz. Our teacher said if we finished the Kahoot quiz we could watch. It felt so long to finish it then finally I did it I finished it.I went outside to watch it was almost finished. The next round I was playing with rimu. I put my tag on and I keep catching the ball but I don’t know what to do but I still enjoyed.The round ends then I just watch them for the next round.
Lunch started as usual. I just hung out with My friends for the last round. I watched half of it then I went inside the classroom. We cleaned up then I heard that Kauri wins and Totara. My team is in the top 2 but I was actually happy for them. We went down the gate and that’s how the tournament ended.”