In our final week of Term 1 Rooms 6 and 7 have been creating wearable art out of our waste materials. Here’s what Roland had to say about his experience:
In the afternoon 2:06 we did our Wearable Art Design at our school. when I was almost done with my panda costume I didn’t know what to do with my other body parts because all my classmates stole all of the boxes and it made me worry that I have nothing to do so I guess I have to paint without other body parts that I guess I don’t need…
When it was time to do the fashion show all of us were screaming when we forgot that all of the other classes from Saint Patricks School were literally sitting already and we were really nervous and awkward so everyone lined up and I was really and really nervous that I was the first one in the animal group and it was me the panda, Marii the tiger and Pyro the turtle and Pyro also told me that his neck actually really hurts so I felt pretty laughing really hard that the fashion show was about to start…. so I guess I should start walking following the tape that Mr. Bell should do.
I finally finished following the tape and I almost tripped over by the door when I got out. I went back to the line to wait for the others and when they all came back I didn’t know what to do but to wait for the teacher to say something. They told me to go walk again so I walk and the others behind me are following me just like me then all of us are now back where we were.
all the classes were now back doing their work and all of us were too hot after the fashion show but now at least we can rest and clean the class room when we are done resting. Mr. Bell told us we needed to clean the class room and all of us were so tired and we have now cleaned it.
When we now cleaned the class room we went home and all slept well.