Year: 2024

Mission Day is Back

Every year St Patrick’s School holds a fundraiser for the Holy Orphanage in India.
We call this Mission Day.
We have not had a normal Mission Day in years because of Covid. Instead of having our community come to our school for a market day, we held “a-thons” in our classes.  This year the school decided we were going to bring the market day back. We would once again make things and sell them or make games to play.
This is our behind the scenes of our preparation for Mission Day.

Wearable Art Fashion Week @ St Pat’s

In our final week of Term 1 Rooms 6 and 7 have been creating wearable art out of our waste materials. Here’s what Roland had to say about his experience:


In the afternoon 2:06 we did our Wearable Art Design at our school. when I was almost done with my panda costume I didn’t know what to do with my other body parts because all my classmates stole all of the boxes and it made me worry that I have nothing to do so I guess I have to paint without other body parts that I guess I don’t need…

When it was time to do the fashion show all of us were screaming when we forgot that all of the other classes from Saint Patricks School were literally sitting already and we were really nervous and awkward so everyone lined up and I was really and really nervous that I was the first one in the animal group and it was me the panda, Marii the tiger and Pyro the turtle and Pyro also told me that his neck actually really hurts so I felt pretty laughing really hard that the fashion show was about to start…. so I guess I should start walking following the tape that Mr. Bell should do.

I finally finished following the tape and I almost tripped over by the door when I got out. I went back to the line to wait for the others and when they all came back I didn’t know what to do but to wait for the teacher to say something. They told me to go walk again so I walk and the others behind me are following me just like me then all of us are now back where we were.

all the classes were now back doing their work and all of us were too hot after the fashion show but now at least we can rest and clean the class room when we are done resting. Mr. Bell told us we needed to clean the class room and all of us were so tired and we have now cleaned it.

When we now cleaned the class room we went home and all slept well.


RŪNĀ Sailing Experience

Yesterday our Year 5 and 6 students walked to Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club to have a go at sailing. Everyone had a fabulous time learning from our wonderful instructors Steph and Ali and we are so grateful for the opportunity that Yachting NZ have given us.

Here’s what Marii had to say about the day…

“Yesterday we went sailing with the year six and five to the Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club. It was a long walk that we took.We had to pack some lunch and water bottle,a towel and of course a swimming tog. We left school at 8.25 and arrived at 8.45. There were three people there to teach us. There names were Steph, Allie and Blair. They showed us what the rudder does and how to work the sail. They then let us have a go on land how to move the rudder and sail. After that they said that the year sixes could go in the water and sail and I was excited because I was a year six.

They gave us our life jackets and it took a while to put them on but we did eventually. We hopped in the water and it was really cold.My partner that was with me was screaming “its cold” and also very muddy. We hopped on our boats and started sailing like pros. We were following Steph because we were playing follow the leader and then we were racing with the others to grab the toys Steph was throwing out. She then told us to stop and capsize our boats which was so scary. Me and my partner were the last ones to do it because we were so scared.

Blair came and told us that the easiest way is to go to the front of the boat and rock it. It was really hard and took a long time. Then Steph came and said just hold on to the bar and lean back. I stood up, held the bar and leaned back. It was falling and as it was going to hit the water I jumped off so as my partner and then”SLASH”. It was so fun. We hopped out of the water and then got back on our boats and sailed back to shore.It was then the year fives turn. While we waited we learnt how to do knots and pulleys. Then sooner did we know it was finished and we were sitting down saying thank you to them. We walked back to school and in my mind I wanted to do it again. It was such a great sailing experience.”

Long, Hot, Summer Learning.

Room 7 has been out of bounds today, so we’ve relocated to learn and do our work under the canopy. Look at how busy everyone has been!

We have been learning about understanding our emotions from “The Big Balloon” by Chantal Hofstee. After reading the book together we have identified other emotions which and decided to create our own animal characters who show these.